Impact-driven B2B public relations

Our focus is realizing visibility in the Dutch media for Dutch and European companies. We realize - for a one-year collaboration - between 70 and 90 relevant publications and interviews. We work for innovative scale-ups that solve a problem and/or take social responsibility. 

For whom.

We mainly provide media coverage and PR for parties in Fintech, Healthtech, Deeptech, Cleantech, Insurtech, Medtech, Crowdfunding platforms and impact investment companies and governments. Our extensive experience in technology PR, innovation PR, scale-up and start-up PR makes us a reliable partner in these areas.

PR is a tool and not the goal

We make PR and storytelling an integral part of our clients' marketing mix, resulting in accelerating processes and growth. Exposure and visibility in the media accelerate processes within HR, investment, sales, partnerships and business development.

No cure no pay

At, we strive for transparent collaboration. We offer customized PR solutions that fit the needs and goals of the organization. We deliver what we sell, and should for any reason not be delivered within the cooperation term we will continue free of charge until the results are achieved.

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Lars Crama

"After disappointing experiences with other PR agencies, ThisisnotaPRagency positively surprised us with their dedicated, hands-on, "can do" mentality. In a very short time, they activated their network of press contacts, resulting in several media publications and interviews, while keeping us constantly updated on progress."

Lars Crama

Private Lead Upstream Rotterdam

Joyce Kornet-Vreugdenhil

"I have had the pleasure of working with them from the early days of ThisisnotaPRagency. The team's passion, drive and sense of purpose were invaluable to us. During our first joint campaign for CIC Rotterdam, we exceeded all our goals and gained national media attention. The ThisisnotaPRagency team is always looking for creative ways to position content and news. A good sparring partner who is also not afraid to fall back."

Joyce Kornet-Vreugdenhil

General Manager at CIC Rotterdam


"We got numerous publications in all kinds of Dutch media, from daily newspapers to trade magazines to entrepreneurial platforms. We also managed a number of international publications. While sparring together, we always come up with good campaigns. I am very happy with it."

Ermesto Spruyt

CEO Tunga

Graciëlla van Vliet

"Very nice to work with ThisisnotaPRagency! They're enthusiasm is inexhaustible and the results were beyond expectations. Ample number of very nice publications and media attention. Thanks ThisisnotaPRagency!"

Graciëlla van Vliet

Co-Founder Closure

Thirona - Quote - De Loopbaan van Thirona-oprichter Eva van Rikxoort: 'Mensen verklaarden me voor gek'

"A nice way of working together and good contact. Especially for SMEs an interesting and good party to work with. ThisisnotaPRagency offers a very accessible way to do PR for small businesses."

Florent Geerts

Business Unit Manager Thirona

Light Well

"Fine collaboration, friendly, humorous, a real Amsterdam team that does know how to get things done. A down-to-earth yet creative PR agency"

Sander Claessen

Marketing & Design Manager Lightwell

See all Reviews


Gemeente Amsterdam - Binnenlands bestuur - Amsterdam schoolt zij-instromers om voor zorg en welzijn


UWV - Algemeen Dagblad - UWV voorziet structureel personeelsgebrek in zorg en welzijn


TMO University Logo

Magnicity Logo



SpecialistenNet - Quest - Wat is een burn-out precies?

ROM Utrecht Region Logo

Golden Egg Check - Siliconcanals - Investering van Golden Egg Check in Delfts tech-bedrijf Oasys Now

Upstream - ChangeInc - Meer dan de wikkel om je sushi: is zeewier onze redder in nood?

Dutch Startup Association Logo

SuperScript- Computable - Startup-verzekeraar Superscript naar Rotterdam


TUNGA - MarketingTribune - [interview] De Afrikaanse kracht van Tunga software

Gemeente Rotterdam - Fonk Magazine - Rotterdam investeert € 2,6 miljoen in investeringsfonds UNIIQ voor startups

Change INC logo

Eyevestor - Duurzaam Ondernemen - Nederlandse uitvinding: deelfinancieringsplatform blijkt miljoenenmachine voor start-ups

KitePower - MTSprout - De vlieger van Kitepower kan groene energie opwekken voor 150 huishoudens

Closure - Silicon Canals - Dutch scale up Closure bags €1.5M for its AI-powered contract cancellation service

Employes - Computable - Investeerders stappen in bij Employes

Black Bear Carbon Black - De Limburger - Ambitie bandenrecycler Black Bear stuit op weerstand in wet; discussie over ‘afval’ of ‘nieuwe grondstof’

Cambridge Innovation Center - De Telegraaf - Amerikaans innovatiecentrum vijf jaar in Rotterdam - Het Parool - Staatssecretaris wil rol inperken van bezwaarbureaus tegen WOZ-beschikking - MTSprout - Maurits Grosfeld ( ‘Als je vernieuwend bent, kunnen anderen je oncollegiaal vinden’

Pacmed logo

Unitron Logo

Lightwell - De Telegraaf - Amsterdamse ondernemersprijs voor Lightwell

Thirona - Quote - De Loopbaan van Thirona-oprichter Eva van Rikxoort: 'Mensen verklaarden me voor gek'

VentinovaMedical - LinkMagazine - Ventinova lanceert revolutionare mechanische ventilator Evone

Finsulate - Innovation Origins - Finsulate wil toxische verf die oceanen en rivieren vervuilt verbannen met duurzame folie

Valyuu - Quote - Valyuu haalt ruim half miljoen op om Vestiaire Collective van de elektronica te worden

Persbericht PowerD - Algemeen Dagblad - Balkenende reikt Nederlandse Automotive Innovation Awards uit

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Our Team

Rob Lagendijk 2 copy

Rob Lagendijk

Sales & Business Developer
Senior PR strategist


Contact Rob
Kiara Khorram

Kiara Khorram

(Chief Operating Officer)


Contact Kiara
Mari Carmen Oudendijk

Mari Carmen Oudendijk

Senior media trainer


Contact Mari
Elena Vovkodav

Elena Vovkodav

Social media marketing specialist


Contact Elena
Karin Rus

Karin Rus

Creative B2B writer


Contact Karin

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